MeMap Experience for trainers

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Sign up

Subscribe to MeMap. Manage your profile. Let us know that you want to use the MeMap software. We’ll get in touch with you in no time.

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Lets setup your trainer profile

We’ll need some professional and personal information before we can create your trainer profile. After you are done providing the necessary information through our online form, we’ll provide you with access to the software through our online platform.

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Lets teach your brain to ride this bike

For the first time you will be using software for your profession. MeMap is designed to help you and increase your efficiency, but its not meant to take your place, nor could it. You will be able to make all your calculations swifty, we’ll help you in doing so. We’ll teach you about the many features of the software through interactive case examples.

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You have gotten a handle over the steering

Now that your brain has learnt to ride a metaphorical bike, that is the software, the choice is yours now. You can operate within your own client network as System User or become a MeMap trainer and be featured on the MeMap trainer network and get connected with people who want to be tested. Improving your service with this unparalleled tool is in your hands.

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Test your clients FitSkor

Thanks to MeMap’s software and its patented FitSkor, for the first time, you will be able to tell your clients the condition of their physical health based on all fitness components. You will be able to track and present the improvement of these fitness components. Effects of health habits of your clients outside of their work with you, will no longer unfairly shadow your work.

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Present the results

Its time for you to get the recognition you deserve, with MeMap you will be able to show your client’s the improvements in their physical health you have helped foster with your knowledge and skill. With MeMap a weight scale will not be the only measure for your clients, you will be able to present scientific data which you can track in real time. This allows your contribution to your client to be truly recognized. MeMap provides you all the information you need to a star of your profession..